Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall

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shoppingBag Försäljning: 228

Created: 5 aug. 2016

Updated: 5 aug. 2016

ID: 59132

og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 12.40$/mån

500k artiklar | Kommersiell användning License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Gå med för att Ladda ned denna artikel  kostnadsfritt
Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 1Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 2Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 3Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 4Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 5Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 6Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 7Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 8Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 9Fotograf Portfolio Responsive Gallery Joomla Mall - Features Image 10

16 Reviews for this product

Я - профессиональный рекламный фотограф. Поскольку я не являюсь разработчиком сайтов или web-программистом, искал простое решение для создания своего сайта-портфолио и нашел его здесь, на Templateog体育首页. Шаблоны имеет красивый современный дизайн, легко устанавливается и настраивается под конкретные цели. Шаблон адаптивный, и хорошо смотрится на разных устройствах, - компьютере, планшете или смартфоне. На период настройки и наполнения смотреть можно здесь http://xn--80aewbdrdf.xn--p1ai После настройки перенесу его на свой основной домен.
Very good Template! Easy to use. I use the Template for my Photography-Site and it works very well. It looks very professionel and I and my Friends like it.
Beautiful template but not easy to navigate back end. For instance it will not accommodate longer email addresses and on the front end the email address will get cut off on side bar. Tried to locate the html file to change but proved to be a bit tricky. Also, on contact page you can’t change “Phones” to “Phone” especially useful if you only need to list one contact number on the site. Overall probably best for a larger company and not just a single user portfolio site.
this is a great template it was easy to install and customize.
Sehr komplexe Vorlage mit vielen Modulen. Für mich nicht zu überschauen zumal die Doku teilweise Deutsch und Englisch nicht sehr detailliert ist. Es ist nirgends erklärt wozu welche Einstellung vorgenommen wurde. Habe die Vorlage wider entfernt und werde mir die Module die ich benötige einzeln beschaffen. Nur für fortgeschrittene Benutzer zu empfehlen

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4,1 /5
Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


Gallery Script:

Joomla! Compatibility:

Language support:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:


Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: