Skolportal - Kreativ Joomla-mall för utbildning

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shoppingBag Försäljning: 66

Created: 5 jan. 2017

Updated: 5 jan. 2017

ID: 61330

og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 12.40$/mån

500k artiklar | Kommersiell användning License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Gå med för att Ladda ned denna artikel  kostnadsfritt
Skolportal - Kreativ Joomla-mall för utbildning - Features Image 1Skolportal - Kreativ Joomla-mall för utbildning - Features Image 2Skolportal - Kreativ Joomla-mall för utbildning - Features Image 3Skolportal - Kreativ Joomla-mall för utbildning - Features Image 4Skolportal - Kreativ Joomla-mall för utbildning - Features Image 5Skolportal - Kreativ Joomla-mall för utbildning - Features Image 6Skolportal - Kreativ Joomla-mall för utbildning - Features Image 7Skolportal - Kreativ Joomla-mall för utbildning - Features Image 8


Update (November 29, 2018): - Updated Joomla to version 3.9.3; - FIX: minor bugs.

9 Reviews for this product

I like this template very much. I would be nice if they recreated it for Joomla 4 because I simply fell in love with it, but I have to upgrade my site to Joomla 4 and so far this template only support Joomla 3.
Very easy to use and configure. The possibility of an easy configuration.
Goog and nice looking template. seems to be no problems witt using it. And no problems with instalation. Quite easy for administration, intuitive. A lot of changes and adjustments to the page content. Even for people who have first contact with Joomla. Hope there will be no problems in the future, as it was with few templates ;) It looks good and does not cause problems for the administrator or user. I can recommend it to everyone with a clear conscience!
Привет всем! Приобретал данный шаблон для одно из своих клиентов. Бизнес клиента - тренинги по психологии. Идеально подошел под данную тематику, практически не пришлось делать доработки. На данный момент стадия заполнения контентом. В шаблоне реализованы прикольные фишки типо статус баров и шкала прогресса. Резюме: Монстры в очередной раз порадовали мощным, красивым, функциональным шаблоном. Спасибо! Буду обращаться еще. Всем рекомендую
Very good template, responsive and simple install in CMS Joomla. In my opinion it is the best template.

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4,1 /5
Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
